Friday, February 8, 2013

The Evlolution of "Mom"

Apparently I'm getting boring.
Milo is no longer referring to me as mom.
He constantly makes up something more exciting and calls me by that name.
It started with him calling me, "Milo's mom", then it moved to "Bob's mom" (after Bob the Builder), then "Aliyah's mom", and then progressed to train driver, kitty, panda, Jessie (from Toy Story), fox, and my personal favorite, donkey.  No joke i'll wipe his snotty nose and he'll say, "Oh thanks tractor man".  Where has mom gone????  I would like a little credit for the menial tasks. 
It's also how he'll minipulate me.  He knows that if he asks mom to come play downstairs, I will often have to say, "No, mom's helping Tay, or Mom's cooking"...So he'll just follow up with, "Kitty come.  Come play with Milo."  How am I supposed to explain that "kitty," is pretend and that I am actually not kitty I am mom, and that mom really does need to get some laundry done.  I am exhausted just thinking about how you logic that out to a 2 year old. 
But in some respects it's nice.  He may fight mom on going down for a nap, but if caterpillar asks him to go to sleep he's all smiles.  Gotta love that goofball.

1 comment:

  1. I literally LOL at Donkey. That is so funny. What a cutie
